I am a first-year trainee on Oxford’s Doctorate of Clinical Psychology course. My first placement is 6 months long, within the Oxfordshire Talking Therapies service. Prior to commencing on the doctorate, I completed a Psychology (MSci) degree in UCL. I then worked for several years in mental health research, as a research assistant/practitioner in academia or the NHS. In these roles, I supported mental health service users to participate in various NIHR portfolio studies, delivered a psychological intervention to carers of people living with dementia, coordinated studies locally and acted as an advocate for research in the trust. I also briefly worked as an assistant psychologist in an eating disorder service, mainly co-facilitating therapeutic groups and offering 1-to-1 keywork and supported meals to day programme service users. I am interested in trauma-informed care, improving access to mental health services, working with stigmatised populations and early interventions. I am keen to further develop my knowledge and skills in these areas, whilst also remaining open to developing new passions and interests throughout the doctoral degree.