Open Module

What is the Open Module?

The open module is a platform, open to all, to support the discussion of current and significant practice and research, relevant to everyone in therapeutic roles. It provides a space ‘beyond the classroom’ of teaching, and aims to bring both Clinical Psychologists in training, and those in our local and national networks together as a network of support. The module is co-ordinated by Dr Fin Williams ( Please contact her with any suggestions for future topics.

The Open module takes three formats

1) A platform for Clinical Psychologists in training to share current and significant practice and research and develop their relationships with our local network of supervisors and services.

2) A platform for our local supervisors and professionals to share best practice and understanding within their field and make research and clinical connections.

3) A platform for national thought leaders to present to a larger audience on current and significant issues, make research and clinical connections, and support development in the area. Attendance at these talks is charged to support the speaker’s time. Any monies left over are used within our increasing access initiative; supporting prospective students from diverse backgrounds to be mentored to improve their access to Clinical Psychology Training.

Where and when does the Open Module take place? There will be approximately three presentations each term (Tuesdays 5:15-6:15 pm). For local network talks, The Open Module is usually held at the Isis Education Centre at the Warneford Hospital, Oxford. For national thought leadership, presenters will present remotely, in order to reach a wider audience.

As the current guidelines produce constraints on the number of attendees, please contact Angela Fox if you would like to attend any of the advertised Open Module events (01865 226431;