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Please ensure you meet our entry requirements before applying. Please see our eligibility checklist, essential and desirable criteria, all listed on this website.

All applications are online through the Clearing House for Postgraduate Courses in Clinical Psychology. You cannot apply directly to the Oxford Course.


Details of our entry requirements, including essential criteria and desirable criteria, are available on our admissions page of our website. Please see our eligibility checklist.

You must have the right to work in the UK, and be eligible for NHS funding for both tuition fee and salary support (standards are set by the bursary specifications) and Home Fee status. Further information regarding these can be found on the Clearing House website.

If you have undertaken, or are currently undertaking, other Psychological Professions' training, please see the eligibility checklist page on our Admissions website for further details regarding eligibility criteria. 


Yes. Due to the academic demands of Clinical Psychology training, it is expected that you will have achieved a first (1st) or upper second class (2:1) honours degree (or its equivalent). Please see our Essential Criteria information.

Candidates who obtained their first degree in a subject other than psychology and go on to successfully complete a relevant Master’s level conversion course are welcome to apply. In this case, grades on conversion courses will be considered in place of those in a first degree, i.e. Merit as 2:1 and Distinction as 1st. If a candidate achieves a Pass grade in their Master’s level conversion course (where grades are given) then unfortunately that does not reach requirements for eligibility for training.

You can apply, however any offer of a place would be conditional upon achieving a minimum of a 2:1 in your undergraduate psychology degree. You would also be required to meet all other essential criteria e.g. regarding clinical and research experience.

You can apply, however any offer of a place would be conditional upon achieving a minimum of a Merit (2:1 equivalent) in your Master's psychology Conversion degree. Please note, you would also need to have completed your course and received your final grade formally (certificate etc) by the point of the Doctoral offers closing (early June). We are unable to consider candidates who will receive their final grade after this time. We would encourage such candidates to apply in the subsequent Admissions cycle. 

You would also be required to meet all other essential criteria e.g. regarding clinical and research experience.


If you have obtained your degree from outside the UK or Republic of Ireland, you will need to find out whether it meets the requirements for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) of the British Psychological Society (BPS). It is essential to have GBC for Clinical Psychology training, as it shows courses that your undergraduate degree contained a broad range of psychological knowledge. The BPS will automatically check whether your degree course meets the requirements for GBC if you apply to become a member.


English Language Proficiency

Please also note that we require evidence of English proficiency. Oxford requires this to be at the Higher Level. Please visit the Oxford University Application Guide section on 'English proficiency' for details regarding which candidates are required to take such tests.


Tests must be taken within two years of the planned start of study. Thus for 2025 entry the certificate must be dated 30.09.23 or later. 


Minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level requirement are as follows:
Test Minimum overall score Minimum score per component
IELTS Academic (Institution code: 0713)  7.5 7.0

TOEFL iBT, including the 'Home Edition' 
(Institution code: 0490)

(We do not accept the ‘Essentials’ test or ‘My Best Scores’ -

you must achieve at least the minimum component scores and the minimum overall score in a single test.

110 Listening: 22
Reading: 24
Speaking: 25
Writing: 24
C1 Advanced* 191 185
C2 Proficiency 191 185

*Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English or Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)
Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)




This could apply if your Psychology degree does not meet the requirements for Graduate Basis for Chartered membership (GBC). In this case you should apply for GBC yourself. If you have a degree in a subject other than Psychology you will need to take a BPS accredited Masters level conversion course. These are normally one-year full time or two-years part time. There is a list of accredited conversion courses on the BPS website.

The Oxford Course does not rate the ranking or ‘prestige’ of the University in which a candidate achieved their degree from.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) has an accreditation process to assess whether degrees offered by UK universities cover sufficient psychology for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC). If your qualifications are from a UK or Irish university and you are unsure whether they are accredited, please check with your institution where you undertook the degree or see the list of accredited qualifications on the BPS website. If, after checking, you are still unsure please contact the BPS for advice.

If your qualifications are not from a UK or Irish university please see the International Students section of the Clearing House website for further information about GBC.

Candidates do not need to have a Master’s level degree if they already have an undergraduate degree in Psychology that meets the requirements for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) of the British Psychological Society.


If a candidate has undertaken a Psychology Conversion Course this does need to be at Master’s level, with the candidate achieving Merit or Distinction grade. Conversion Courses at diploma level are not eligible. 

Yes. In all cases, applicants are required to provide transcripts / certificates of qualifications including grades attained as part of the application process and to be considered for selection. This includes A-level (or equivalent whether from UK or other countries), undergraduate, and where appropriate, postgraduate qualifications.

Certificates / transcripts not in English should be accompanied by certified English translations. 

Candidates are required to submit scanned copies of their relevant degree (meeting requirements for GBC) to the Clearing House as part of their application.

If you have lost / mislaid these documents then please contact your educational institution to acquire a duplicate copy. Please allow sufficient time for this process. All candidates are required to bring their original transcripts with them if invited to interview.

Yes. The Oxford Course incorporates Contextual Admissions criteria. Contextual criteria will be included from the academic scoring stage, through shortlisting and interview stages. Completing contextual information is voluntary for candidates. 

We recommend that all potential applicants look at the Academic Scoring System on our website in order to view our scoring system. As part of the admissions process, the 300 candidates (approximately) with the highest educational scores will proceed to the shortlisting stage. The cut-off score is not disclosed as this changes each year in response to applications received.

Key points:

1. Candidates with ‘Level-3’ educational qualifications other than A-levels (e.g. International Baccalaureate / National Examinations / International Qualifications) will be scored accordingly, using agreed comparability with UK qualifications. We receive many applications from such candidates.

The course website does not include detail of the comparative educational scores from other countries. We receive applications from over 50 countries, many of which have multiple educational qualifications within the identified country, with scoring systems that incorporate many variations e.g. by region, year of exam taken etc. Every application is scored individually during the admissions process taking into account all the above factors. Original transcripts / certificates are required so that the assessment is undertaken appropriately using original documentation and the equivalency scoring systems. As such, it is not appropriate or accurate to simply publish a ‘list’ of equivalencies (e.g. by country) as this could not account for the many permutations as indicated. 

2. An Undergraduate degree at 2.1 level does receive zero points in the scoring system as this is required of all candidates.

3. A Postgraduate degree at Merit level does receive zero points in the scoring system.

4. The maximum total Academic Score is 38 points. It is important to note that this is the highest possible score, and does not represent the actual score of the majority of our successful candidates.

5. All applicants are required to provide proof of their qualifications as part of the admissions process.

There are many ways of gaining relevant experience. We are looking for evidence that you would work well with people presenting with a wide range of different psychological needs, and that you could work with people of different backgrounds and life experiences. The Oxford Course is also looking for people who can work well in teams and people who can understand and operate within complex systems such as the NHS. An understanding of the specific role of Clinical Psychology is valuable. This understanding is important not only because it prepares you well for Clinical Psychology training, but also because it will help you to be sure that Clinical Psychology is the right career for you. Relevant experience can be either paid or voluntary.

Examples of relevant work experience may include: Assistant Psychologist, Research Assistant, IAPT psychological wellbeing practitioner and some areas of Nursing and Social Work.

Please note that assessment of relevant experience occurs during the shortlisting stage of admissions (after assessment of eligibility to work and scoring of educational qualifications). We are unable to provide a statement of whether an applicant’s experience is sufficient outside of this system (e.g. via email correspondence).

The lower age limit is determined by the need to have completed an undergraduate degree. There is no upper age limit and older applicants are welcome to apply. Age is a protected characteristic within the 2010 Equality Act so no course should discriminate on the basis of age. In Oxford, we are keen to encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply and welcome such applications.

Candidates who applied in previous Admissions cycles and were not successful are welcome to apply again. This is a common experience. Each application is viewed as a 'new' application each year; information from the previous year (e.g. at interview) is not included. 

All candidates require two references; one academic, and one relevant experience. The Clearing House website provides detailed information on this question at https://www.clearing-house.org.uk/applications/references-suitability-statements.

This includes guidance on choosing who to ask to provide your reference, and advice including a factsheet and guide for those providing the reference. It may be helpful to review this information, and if appropriate, share with your indicated referees so that they are able to assess whether they are able to speak to the points contained within.

Please note the following guidance as per the Clearing House:

1. Academic references should, where possible, be from an academic institution where the person applying has studied. The academic referee should have direct experience of the applicant’s academic performance (i.e. competence in academic performance, academic study / scholarship, and research experience / performance).

2. Relevant experience referees should have direct experience of, and be able to comment on, the applicant’s performance in a relevant clinical context (and/or research context if appropriate). The experience reference should be from the applicant’s current employer where possible. Applicants may choose to use a previous employer as their experience referee if there is a good reason, e.g. they are not currently working in a relevant role, or have only worked in their current role for a few months, or their current employer can only provide a standard HR reference. However, candidates must explain why they are not using their current employer as their experience referee in the Personal Statements section of their application.

Trainee Clinical Psychologists are appointed at the starting point of Band 6 of the Agenda for Change pay scales.


Please note - all trainees are recruited at the starting point of Band 6 without exception. This is a national policy, at the explicit instruction of NHS England (previously Health Education England). 


The only variation in Salary, T&C is the accrual of the usual amount of additional leave on the basis of long service. 

No. The Oxford course is fully funded by the NHS. However, there are some courses who do take self-funding applicants. Please check the Clearing House website for further details.

Consistent with course regulations, we do not offer a part-time option for training. 

All trainees are required to travel to and within placements, and to teaching*, while undertaking training.


  1. Please note this role is community-based. Applicants to the course, and trainees on the course, must have a full valid driving licence and have access to a car/motorbike for work as an essential requirement. Trainees are expected to travel to a placement location anywhere in the Thames Valley footprint and beyond as required, and travel to see patients clinically.
  2. Such criterion can be justified if it can show that the provision, criterion or practice is a ‘proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.’ The ‘legitimate aim’ being a ‘business need’ and ‘service delivery’,
  3. If necessary and where we can, adjustments can be considered in line with the Equality Act 2010 but due to the number of available placements in Oxford a placement in Oxford cannot be guaranteed and an independent means of travel will still be required. 
  4. Any penalty points on your licence must be declared.
  5. Your certificate of motor insurance must show that you are covered for any official business mileage.


* Teaching takes place in various sites across Oxford. 

Yes. All Trainee Clinical Psychologists on the Oxford Course must be able to drive, and have a full valid driving licence (by point of interview), for the duration of the three-year training course. This forms part of your training contract and is an essential criteria of the role. Further details below:



  1. Please note this role is community-based. Applicants to the course, and trainees on the course, must have a full valid driving licence and have access to a car/motorbike for work as an essential requirement. Trainees are expected to travel to a placement location anywhere in the Thames Valley footprint and beyond as required, and travel to see patients clinically.
  2. Such criterion can be justified if it can show that the provision, criterion or practice is a ‘proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.’ The ‘legitimate aim’ being a ‘business need’ and ‘service delivery’,
  3. If necessary and where we can, adjustments can be considered in line with the Equality Act 2010 but due to the number of available placements in Oxford a placement in Oxford cannot be guaranteed and an independent means of travel will still be required. 
  4. Any penalty points on your licence must be declared.
  5. Your certificate of motor insurance must show that you are covered for any official business mileage.


Trainees on the course are eligible for the Trust’s car leasing scheme. 


For 2025 entry (application window now closed):

The ability to drive, with full valid driving licence, and access to own car / motorbike for business use, for the duration of training, is essential. Applicants are required to have the full valid driving licence by the point of interview (if offered) which will be late April 2025.   

Clinical placements are located throughout the counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Warwickshire and Oxfordshire, and can extend beyond these given placement availability. This should be borne in mind in organising living arrangements whilst on the course. University of Oxford regulations specify that students should live within 25 miles of the centre of Oxford unless permission is granted to reside further afield. Requests to live within the wider Thames Valley Region and Northamptonshire are considered on a case by case basis by the Programme Director, and may relate to being closer to the allocated base (see below). 


Trainees will be allocated a base: Either Aylesbury (with placements across the Buckinghamshire region), Brackley (with placements across the South Midlands region), Bracknell (with placements across the Berkshire region) or Oxford (with placements across the Oxfordshire region). Allocation of base is dependent upon a number on factors including Training Needs and Aspirations, reasonable adjustments, and trainee preference. Please note - individuals are not guaranteed their preferred choice of training area / base. There are limited placement opportunities within Oxfordshire. Most trainees will not be allocated the Oxford base. 


Teaching days will be in Oxford* when in person (*except under exceptional circumstances). 

Trainees are typically provided with equipment they need for clinical placements, including access to desktop and/or loan of laptop computers. Trainees are also provided with a work phone.


Trainees are required to provide their own equipment for study, e.g. computers, camera access for video remote working, as well as desks / chairs. Trainees also have access to workspaces in the University and Trust libraries.   

We are aware of the increased pressures concerning the cost of living. Oxford is an expensive city to live in. Staff do not receive London fringe weighting to salaries. 

Trainees are reimbursed travel expenses to placement where that distance is further than the distance to their training base. Trainees are exempt from Oxford City council tax (unless living with non students); rules may vary according to other councils’ criteria.

Trainees on the course are eligible for the Trust’s car leasing scheme. 

British Psychological Society (BPS): www.bps.org.uk

Clearing House for Postgraduate Courses in Clinical Psychology: https://www.clearing-house.org.uk 

Our interviews will be in the week of April 28th to May 2nd 2025. Currently, interviews are planned to be in person in Oxford. 

Individuals invited for interview will also be asked to attend a Clinical Task, currently planned for the evening of the 24th April 2025. This will be undertaken remotely. 

Please note that all dates and times, and whether in person or remote, are subject to final confirmation.