The Oxford Institute of Clinical Psychology Training and Research (OxICPTR) has over 30 years history of excellence in training people to be effective Clinical Psychologists. It is proud to be part of Oxford Health Foundation NHS Trust and the University of Oxford. We also have close links with NHS Health Education England Thames Valley and NHS trusts in the Thames Valley Region.
The three main functions of the Institute are the pre-registration Training of NHS clinical psychologists, the provision of resources including Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for NHS staff in the Thames Valley Region and conducting high quality research in health-related areas.

In terms of the Clinical Programme , we support trainees to become highly skilled, versatile and confident clinicians. This is achieved through a dynamic and progressive academic programme, high quality placements in a broad range of core and specialty areas and excellent research support and supervision. The philosophy of the Course stems from the view that clinical psychology represents a skilful blend of clinical art and clinical science and draws upon firm theoretical foundations and approaches which are empirically grounded. As such, it links the scientist-practitioner and the reflective practitioner approaches whilst remaining firmly embedded in current understanding of psychology across the lifespan. We primarily seek to apply psychology in ways intended to help people who are experiencing distress and whose wellbeing is reduced. Broader aims include, but are not confined to fostering effective multidisciplinary working, preventative approaches and systemic and community considerations . Trainees develop competencies in, and understanding of, a range of approaches; the main approaches being Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Systemic/Family approaches. As training progresses trainees are supported to develop their own personal styles of working, and their competence and confidence in inter-professional working, and leadership. The three year full-time course leads to the qualification of Doctor of Clinical Psychology ( D.Clin.Psych) and eligibility for Chartered status with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as a professionally qualified Clinical Psychologist. The Oxford course is British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) Level 2 Accredited which means all graduates from the 2018 cohort onwards are automatically eligible for BABCP practitioner accreditation.The Course benefits from being fully funded within the NHS; trainees also have an employment contract with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Trainees, Staff and Associates benefit from having access to some of the best clinical and academic resources in the country, via the University of Oxford, the NHS and other agencies providing health and social care. We also benefit from having close proximity to centres of excellence for cognitive therapy, neuropsychology and spinal injuries. The Centre hosts a specialist psychological treatment clinic (Oxford Health Specialist Psychological Interventions Centre, OHSPIC)
We have a substantial research programme. Areas of active and ongoing research include: Clinical Health psychology, Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, Neuropsychology, Psychotherapy P rocess, Clinical Supervision, Psychosis, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Stigma, and Trauma. See for details of our research.
We provide a range of CPD opportunities for Clinical Psychologists and other Health Professionals in the region, including more substantial sessions from OCTC , the “Open Module”, public engagement events and professional CPD for our associates and colleagues.