Past Doctoral Research Projects


Below are examples of doctoral research projects completed by Trainee Clinical Psychologists:

Theoretically-Driven Research Projects

· Social anxiety amongst transgender individuals

· Coping responses and secondary traumatic stress in Foster Carers

· Why do romantic relationships breakdown after brain injury?

· How does intersectionality of religious, cultural, and sexual identity impact the mental health of LGBTQ+ Jews in the UK?

· The impact of perceived social support from within the neonatal care unit on parenting self-efficacy over time


Service Improvement Projects

· Investigating the decision-making process regarding surgery for parents of children with non-syndromic craniosynostosis at a specialist centre

· Accessing Psychological Support within a NICU Environment: The Experiences of Fathers from Ethnic Minority Backgrounds

· Improving the provision of staff autism training in an older adult mental health service

· Patient-informed Improvements to Routine Clinical Care of Chronic Gynaecological Conditions to Support Experiences of Sexual Intimacy

· Improving access to secondary mental health services for young people of minority backgrounds


Systematic Reviews of the Literature

· What are the physical risk and physical health issues associated with hoarding?

· A meta-synthesis exploring religious content in persecutory delusions: Implications for clinical practice

· Understanding the disclosure and non-disclosure of suicidal ideation

· Neuropsychological outcomes in individuals with non-syndromic craniosynostosis

· The impact of witnessing traumatic birth on Fathers

Theoretically-Driven Research Projects

· Stigma and its Impact on Seeking Professional Psychological Help – Are there Cultural Differences?

· Attributional differences towards depression among British Pakistani Muslims and British White Muslims. Is it religion or culture?

· Pathways to heightened responsibility for self vs others in OCD

· Early adverse childhood experiences, emotion dysregulation and subsequent risk of chronic pain in children and adolescents: a population-based birth cohort study

· Sudden Gains in internet cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder in routine clinical practice


Service Improvement Projects

· Assessment of Digital Risks in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: A Mixed-Method, Theory-Driven Study of Clinicians’ Experiences and Perspectives

· Difficulties in transitioning to dialysis; possible reasons and potential psychological interventions

· Working together when the problem is multifaceted: understanding inter-agency working for the benefit of people with hoarding problems

· Creating a Care Pathway for Patients with Longstanding, Complex Eating Disorders

· The Needs and Experiences of Young People When Their Cancer Treatment Ends


Systematic Reviews of the Literature

· A Meta-Ethnography exploring from a first-person perspective how culture influences appraisals and affective responses to hearing voices

· The Effect of Trauma-Focused Interventions for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Non-Fear- Based Emotions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

· The Psychosocial Impact of Urological and Gynaecological Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes on Individuals’ Daily Lives: A Systematic Review & Meta-Synthesis

· Paranoia and appraisals of social comparison: A systematic review of social rank, attractiveness, and belonging

· Key components of training interventions for mental health professionals in their care of those with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Systematic Review