Alanah’s first year placements will be split across the Intensive Management of Personality Disorders and Clinical Therapies Team (IMPACTT) and an Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) team within Berkshire. Previous Experience and Areas of Interest: Alanah graduated from Brunel University in 2019 with first-class honours in psychology. She then started a 2-year MSc in Developmental Psychology and Clinical Practice at University College London (UCL) in conjunction with the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families (AFNCCF). As part of the MSc, Alanah spent her second year on clinical placement at a CAMHS in London, where she undertook the role of an assistant psychologist. During her MSc, Alanah also carried out a research project which explored young people's experiences of psychiatric inpatient units using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Alanah completed this MSc in 2021, receiving a distinction and Dean's List Honours. Alanah went onto work as an assistant psychologist in an adult eating disorder service for 20 months. In addition, Alanah worked part-time from 2018-2023 with the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation, leading on the facilitation of CBT support groups. Alanah has particular interests in BDD and body image, OCD (and related disorders), eating disorders, co-production and elevating lived experience voices within mental health care and research. She hopes to remain open to developing her interest and experience in other areas of clinical psychology practice and research whilst training.