Felicity Waite

Felicity Waite is a consultant clinical psychologist and researcher at the University of Oxford and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. She is deputy lead of the Oxford Cognitive Approaches to Psychosis clinical research group. The focus of her work is developing more effective and easily accessible psychological therapies for people with psychosis and young people at risk of serious mental health problems. The new treatments, developed in collaboration with people with lived experience of the problems, are then tested in large clinical trials. Her research takes a mechanistic, translational science approach with a focus on implementation from the outset. Two current multicentre projects include Feeling Safer and Sleeping Better. Feeling Safer tests a supported online psychological treatment for persecutory delusions delivered by peer support workers, graduate mental health workers, and clinical psychologists. In Sleeping Better the team hope to find out if treating sleep problems can prevent the onset of serious mental health problems. Felicity completed her clinical psychology training at the University of Oxford and received the British Psychological Society May Davidson Award in 2022.